We love small businesses and try to shop from them as often as possible and so that’s why we’ve decided to hand pick some lovely products from some of our favourite small businesses that would make perfect gifts this valentines day! These are our recommendations and are obviously a little bit bias because we love and follow them, but we know that you’ll love them too.

A Little Box Of Romantic Gestures - £14.95
This lovely gift from Bread & Jam has 10 different date ideas in tiny glass tubes. Each one has a folded paper containing a different idea, pick one to find out. It’s a thoughtful gift that will keep surprising you for weeks to come and create lots of happy memories.
Find it here >>> https://wearebreadandjam.co.uk/a-little-box-of-romantic-gestures/

Love Letter Felt Embroidered Envelope - £24.50
This cute hand embroidered love letter from Lotta’s House is the perfect gift that would be treasured for ever. It can be put out on display or can be kept in a memory box and we think it’s just the sweetest thing.
Find it here >> https://www.lottashouse.co.uk/product-page/love-letter

*Love Story Print - £12.00
This love story print from our shop side of the business, Mint Green Penguin tells your journey of the most memorable moments in your life in a cute display piece. There are lots of hand drawn icons to pick from to illustrate each moment and create a custom piece to tell your story.
Find it here >>> https://www.mintgreenpenguin.com/product-page/love-story-print

Soppy Soap Valentines Edition - £7.50
We love these cheeky soaps from Modo Creative. You can choose one of the fun message options provided or for a little extra they can be fully personalised so you can choose your own message and be as flirty or dirty as you like.
Find it here >>> https://modocreative.com/collections/valentines-gifts/products/soppy-soap-valentines-edition

Pocket Sparkles - £2.75
These pocket size hearts from Linen and Bee, are a cute, fun why to show someone you love them. Choose from a section of wording options or choose a custom personalisation to bring a smile to someone’s face!

You’re My Favourite Letterpress Card - £3.75
This beautifully made card from Hunter Paper Co is printed using letterpress onto embossed paper meaning that it feels quality. We love the cute illustrative message on the front and couldn’t think of a better way to tell someone you care.
Find it here >>> https://hunterpaperco.com/collections/love-friendship-cards/products/youre-my-favourite-letterpress-greetings-card
Thanks, Tasha (and Faye) x
*Our own product featured