A lot has changed since we first designed our brand identity, we have grown as a business and as business owners. We have a deeper understanding of what our brands purpose is, who we serve and our values so it was about time we changed our brand design to reflect this, like we do for our clients.
When we both sat down to have a chat about what we wanted from our new design identity we knew we wanted to change the icon to one packed full of meaning. We focus on creating meaningful brands for our clients so was obvious our brand now needed to be deep and significant.
We started the process the same way we do for our clients after understanding their brand and we made a mind map of all the important aspects of our business, all the words that best describe our business and how these could be represented.

The icon has changed entirely, as we knew this wasn’t representing us in the best way but other elements like our colours and handwritten font have been modified to update it, but we were happy with the feminine feel that these bits brought to the brand. We have also expanded to include a full logo suite, like we do for our clients, with a primary and secondary logo, a brand mark and an icon. This isn’t something that was often done in the design world 6 years ago, but is so important now to have those options right from the basic level to make sure your brand works and is consistent across all platforms and marketing.

So, we know that you’d love to hear the meaning behind our icon (we actually have a reel over on the Gram which shows this in more detail if you want to take a look >>>).
Firstly the arch shape symbolises the opening to new beginnings, not only for us when we decided to begin on our journey as a small business, but for our clients when they decide to invest in their brand whether that is for clarity on strategy, a meaningful design or both.

The flowers represent how we help our clients to grow and flourish, how we help them be the flower that stands out amongst all the others in the same field. It also represents our caring values and how we nurture your brand.
The sunrise lines at the bottom show how working on your brand can be the start of something special, it can propel your business forwards into new beginnings and new opportunities.
The two stars represent myself and Natasha, we are in the middle of it all, we are the brand, we are important to the making of Lemon Feathers and our unique selling point is there are two of us combining ideas and skills. They can also show the feeling of enlightenment, an emotion that often comes up when they our clients go through our brand strategy service.
And right in the centre is a waxing crescent moon, we set up Lemon Feathers to fulfil our dream, we help our clients on their path to a successful business to achieve their dreams, one of the main things good branding does and what we do is attract dream customers, so having a symbol to represent ‘dream’ was really important to us - It can also symbolise fresh energy and that is definitely what our clients feel when we work with them on their branding.
Overall we wanted the brand to feel professional, creative, feminine, friendly, enlightening and meaningful.

Hopefully this has explained the icon a bit better and also given you an insight into our thought process when we create logos and icons for our clients, as this is where we come from for all of our projects. We don’t just add a circle because it ‘looks pretty’ but to give it deeper meaning.
We’d love to know what do you think of our brand refresh and if your brand identity give’s off the energy you want it to?
If you need help creating a brand identity with more meaning and creativity we would love to hear from you.
Thanks, Faye (and Tasha) x